Welcome to Cloudwalker Sims

Sims, poses, lots, objects, machinima… all kinds of stuff!
Check our Twitter feed to the right to see updates of what’s new each day.
Episode Five is up! See link below. (We listed ep 5 first… due to its epicness. Get out the tissues)


Episode One,
of Fire and of Light

Episode Two

Episode Three

Episode Four


The site is evolving. We have added some poses, and will be adding more very soon.
As we create machinima videos we’ve learned about creating them, creating poses and now animations, and we will be sharing them all shortly.

In addition, we hope you and your sims enjoy the lovely ladies and gorgeous guys we’ve created in our game. We LOVE playing with genetics to see where it takes us, and will include some family info for our sims if they have them.
If you want to make them siblings, parents, etc, use Twallan’s MC to do that.

We do use custom content and mods (not needed for sims, though as but they are all still quite yummy even with vanilla games).

Welcoming our sims to your neighborhoods (aka downloading):
The sims were exported from CAS, so they are simspack files and will be zipped, ready to extract to your downloads folder (where you can then install via the Launcher)

We have included links to custom content where we can so you may have your sims appear as they do in Cloudwalker’s games.
All custom content was removed before saving, but some might slip through and, if so, please let us know to correct the file.

We are also planning some cool stories for you too, so you can love our families as much as we do.


Cloudwalker Sims

(And if your sims have anyΒ  babies with our sims, we’d love to see them!)

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28 comments on “Welcome to Cloudwalker Sims

  1. Also… What did the fortune teller tell the girls mom? lol is there a text version of the story? so far it sounds like an awesome story

  2. Ohhhhhh. but he diddn’t did he? !!! Please say he diddn’t…
    Will there be an episode 3? ** waits patiently to see how the story ends**
    LOL I love the way some people bring their sims to life like that. Im not that creative =(

  3. Oops my text disappeared LOL
    meant to say:
    ** patiently waits for episode 3 as she continually hits the refresh button every few seconds while staring at the computer screen*

  4. Wow! You are something else. Really amazing story, each one more exciting than the last! Your time and patience are really paying off!!!!

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